The Plugin Gives You Two Options for How to Use the Service

Cname setup – authoritative dns will continue to point to the customer’s domain. Subdomains will only point to cloudflare. Cnames only allow protection at the subdomain level, for example, admin.Example.Com versus example.Com.
Full dns setup – you must make cloudflare dns authoritative by pointing your domain’s nameservers to theirs. By adding a full dns provision you allow domain and subdomain protection across websites.
The partner determines if they want to allow full dns zone settings for clients and customers. The nb cname setting cannot be disabled. Here are the various ways cloudflare can be activated.

Default option – cname setup only
Complete cname and dns setup
You can configure this by editing config.Js. Find it here

How to setup and configure cloudflare in cpanel

How to activate cloudflare in cpanel
Please enter your website’s cpanel first. Next, go to the software or services section. Find and just click on the cloudflare icon. If this is the first time for you to access this feature in cpanel then, you will be asked to enter an email address to be able to use cloudflare in cpanel for your website. After you fill it in, then click signup now.

All domains you own will appear in your hosting account, this includes add on domains . The status that will appear is not powered by cloudflare. After that, to install the Bulk SMS China cloudflare service on your site, please click edit. Next, a dns record table will appear below and in the first line (cname), please click the gray cloud icon in the right corner column. This serves to activate cloudflare on the domain name you choose and later the cloud icon will turn orange indicating that it is on.

Finished! It’s enough up here, actually the steps to install cloudflare for websites hosted on cpanel.

But if you pay attention, after that there will be a new option, namely statistics and settings. Where will add new information about cloudflare usage statistics. These statistics will be updated every 24 hours, so if you have just registered like me then it will obviously be empty.

It is also important to indicate whether the cloudflare setting currently in use is active. Because the options are more limited than installing cloudflare manually, the setting method can also be said to be incomplete in the original panel.

How to setup and configure cloudflare in cpanel

Buy Bulk SMS Service

By using cloudflare access speed can increase by EG Lists more than 50%. So if you want to increase your access speed, it is highly recommended to set up and activate your website to cpanel server and cloudflare cdn.

Maybe just get here first. Enjoy reading and developing your website! If you are still confused about making a website, you can stop by to buy a cheap domain and hosting at idwebhost .

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