Of the Most Viewed Articles on the Blog in

The year 2014 is ending and I couldn’t say goodbye to you until next year without my last article! In order not to beat you up too much on this important date, in which you have so little time available to read, I wanted to make a compilation of the best articles on the blog (the ones that you have consulted the most) so that you can find them in a very easy way. fast and when you need them!!! Although my initial objective before creating the blog was to Of the Most publish 2 posts a week.

With the development

Of the blog and with the experience that I have been acquiring by reading other Reference blogs, I have finally decided to publish once a week with posts longer executive data and with useful and helpful content for my readers. A good Community Manager has to know how to interpret measurements, monitor, evaluate and perceive through tools what people like, what they want to read, with what frequency or what content connects most with the user. With this you obtain results to define if the strategy is going towards the objectives or if it needs changes. It is essential that you always act in accordance with the common sense and responsibility that managing a community of people requires. It is very valuable when you have to face unforeseen situations throughout the work day.

Of the Most interesting

And useful articles. In 2015 I hope to continue writing posts that maintain your. Interest to receive your visits, because for me it is an honor to see that every week. My EG Lists articles are read and shared by all of you!!! Did you like the top10? What other blog articles did you like? I would love to know your opinion in the comments and what your favorite articles are!!! I say goodbye to you and this splendid year and if you liked the article, you are invited to share it on your social networks!

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