The council of ministers yesterday approved the agreement by which the annual report on the public treasury indebtedness policy in 2022 is taken into account, for its subsequent referral to the cortes generales. The report includes the lines of action and the data on the execution of the treasury financing program. In , net issuance fell by almost 5,000 million euros, to 70,063 million, and gross issuance stood at 232,570 million. According to the executive, during the past year, the good performance of the economy, the improvement in public revenue and the prudence in the estimates regarding the financing program at the beginning of the year, made it possible to combine the approval of new measures to alleviate.
Likewise in 2022 there was
A reduction in the debt/gdp ratio of 5 points, the largest in recent history, to 113.2%. Thus, the debt/gdp ratio was 2 points lower than what was forecast in the budgets for that year. Green bonds, consolidation of a new financing instrument during the Antigua and Barbuda Email List past year. The investment base continued to increase and diversify. Thanks to the issuance of new financing instruments, such as green bonds. With an issue of 3,207 million euros in 2022 and a total of 8,207 million euros within. The framework of the program. Green issues have become a structural component of treasury financing and contributed in 2022 to. The financing of sustainable public projects, the reduction of the cost of financing. With financial savings of between two and seven basis points, and the promotion of sustainable finance market in our country.
During the past year
The first allocation and impact reports referring to the 5,000 million euros issued in 2021 were published. These reports focused on clean transport programs and reflect the impact of the program in terms of reduction of greenhouse gas emissions EG Lists greenhouse, contributing to the objectives of climate change mitigation and pollution control and prevention. 750,000 euros, its publication in the official gazette of the generalitat valenciana in accordance with the european directive on public procurement is not enough. The same section of the contentious-administrative chamber of the valencian high court has applied the content of its sentence, dated june 29, to three other sentences that resolve the appeals of other business associations dedicated to dependency services.