Preparing them for the universal competitive system (hard skills), that in many cases they forgot another aspect equally or more more important than this: soft skills. Those emotional resources that come from the family where we are form with values and are then reinforc at school while we explore new knowlge and develop our personality. If we are lucky. Not only we will be able to consolidate them at the university, where we train as professionals. ucate about emotions in youth or adulthood? According to The World Economic Forum (September 2017). By 2020 (in less than two years!), one third of the set of skills necessary for most occupations. Not consider important today.
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Meanwhile, demand for soft skills will grow above purely technical skills . This article leads us to think that we should put greater interest in training people who develop their emotional resources positively. How to express feelings and when to do so is known as assertiveness. Not only This ability improves if we have the ability to put ourselves in the shoes of others. Which is known as empathy . The lesson is complet with the ability to b2b leads manage and learn from the conflicts and frustrations that circumstances throw at us. We must also manage the formation of work teams more than work groups , since by doing so we are providing trust, complicity, the ability to manage confidentiality,
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Egos and vanities; and also (i think it is the most important thing) look at a common goal even when you think differently. Not only. All these aspects develop generosity. Kindness and the conscious intention of always wanting to give the best of each person for the benefit EG List of all. For this we have to erase negative aspects of our society where there is distrust. Judgment and prejudice and it is easier to suspect negative situations than positive ones. If we foster these skills through our social and work relationships. We will have a greater chance of personal and professional success.