In the workplace we find companies that encourage their employees with countless workshops, courses, conferences and others to develop both hard and soft skills. But we also find companies that expect their employees to have these skills already develop before entering, so it is up to the proactive and responsible individual to take charge of developing them to have opportunities for success. For this reason, I believe that it is very important to train students who are hir for their hard skills (technical knowlge or technical or cognitive competencies), and remain actively employ for their soft skills (personal competencies) to achieve the human beings that society nes.
Among the Main Competencies of the
Erich Maria Remarque wrote All Quiet on the Front some years after the carnage that was the First World War, imbu with a feeling of horror at the brutality with which the men of the nations who boast of leading business email list the march of civilization towards the progress had act in a conflict that claim the lives of at least 22 million human beings. Remarque had been on the battlefield, defending the so-call patriotic ideals that are usually rais to cover up interests that sink their sinister roots in the most base gre, the irrational desire for power and the voracious desire for domination.
Universal Teacher We Can
Some lines locat almost at the end of this heartbreaking story translate the deep pessimism that overwhelm the world in the face of the absurd destruction that Western man had caus . The conviction present in those years and that would run through EG List the entire 20th century – reaching up to the present day –, born from the contemplation of such aberrant circumstances, was that the greatest and best spiritual fruits lavish by the species throughout centuries and centuries travel with tiring perseverance had been of no use in the face of the appetite for destruction that had been fuel by barbarism, challenging with impunity the logic that since the