Internet advertising in Spain remains strong: it expects to grow

The Spanish entertainment and media industry maintains its good prospects for the coming years. Despite the current economic context marked by the uncertainty caused by the war in Ukraine. Inflation and energy shortages. This is stated in the 23rd edition of the Entertainment and Media Outlook 2021-2026 Spain report. Prepared by PwC , which includes the growth prospects of fourteen segments of the global industry in our country : television and video. OTT video, television and Internet advertising, video games, virtual reality, radio, podcasts, music, cinema, books, magazines, newspapers and outdoor advertising and includes an analysis of the potential of other emerging areas. Such as the metaverse or NFTs.

Streaming video platforms and video games will continue to grow

OTT ( Over The Top ) Video industry email list platforms ( companies such as Netflix, Amazon, HBO, DAZN, Apple TV, Movistar+, Filmin, among others). Will moderate their growth, but will continue to increase their income at a good pace (9.6%). Until reaching 1,068 million euros in 2026. Within this segment, systems that offer content to users by subscription (Subscription Video On Demand) are the ones that will grow the most until 2026, 10.9%. Compared to payment systems for content (Transactional Video On Demand). Which will fall 4.4%. Video games and eSports will be another of the prominent subsectors of the entertainment and media industry: its income will grow by 6.5% until 2026 , up to 3,131 million euros. Much of this increase will come from the good performance of the online gaming market and microtransactions.

Trends in media advertising investment

The report considers that the different EG Lists trends that are affecting the entertainment and media industry. As a whole, are generating great business opportunities for some sectors and creating difficult situations for others. Television advertising and the newspaper sector are. Once again, among those with less optimistic expectations. While television advertising will fall by 0.7% until 2026, with 1.8 billion euros, still below the situation. prior to COVID-19. Traditional television advertising will fall by 1.3% in the period studied and will drop to 1,658 million euros. The newspaper sector will see the market size fall by 0.8%. Reaching 1,122 million euros in 2026. Printed newspaper advertising will fall by 3.3%, but it will be offset by media advertising revenues digital, which will increase by 6%. 

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