How to Block Ip Using Htaccess on the Plesk Panel

Ip address or domain format
The following is the format that you use to be able to enter the ip address according to the specified format, as follows:

Single ip address, is the format that will be used to block one ip address that you have entered into the fields, for example
Range, is a format used in blocking ip with a certain distance. You can connect with a dash (-), for example:
Implied range is a format used to block a certain range of an ip address from accessing your website. This format option is an alternative to the format range, for example
Cidr format is a format used to block subsets originating from ip specifically. For example
Specific ip is a format that can determine the first three digits of an ip, for example 192. Of course the system will be able to block all ip addresses that start with the number 192. For example 192.Xxx.Xx
How to block ip

How to block ip using Htaccess in cpanel

Actually, how to block ip addresses on cpanel is very easy. Because what is needed is cpanel hosting and also the ip address that you will block. You should also ensure that the ip address is correct. And don’t make the mistake of blocking other ip addresses instead. Following are the steps:

Login in cpanel
All you have to do first is login to cpanel. You Bulk SMS Argentina can enter cpanel by typing https://yourdomain/cpanel which has been adjusted to the email sent by your hosting service provider.

Select the ip blocker menu
In the search form later, type “Ip bloker”. So, later several ip blocker menus will appear. Usually this menu is called ip deny manager. But in principle the content remains the same.

Write down the ip address to be blocked

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Next, you must write down the ip address or domain that you will block later. So that when you add an ip address, the owner of the user or the owner of the ip address will not be able to access your website. To write down the ip address, you can use a predefined format. So that later, it will directly point to a certain ip address, or it can point to a certain range of ip addresses. So you don’t need to worry because you can block ip EG Lists addresses with ipv4 or ipv6 formats.

Furthermore, when the ip address has been successfully entered, you can immediately click add. Furthermore, the ip address has been automatically successfully added to your block list.

How to block ip using .Htaccess
Not only by using the ip blocker menu, you can also block ip addresses by using the .Htaccess file. If you forget how to access the .Htaccess file, you can enter cpanel then select the file manager menu . Well, if the .Htaccess file is not visible, you need to unhide it first. As knowledge, the .Htaccess file is a hidden file or commonly known as hidden files. Therefore, you only need to show the .Htaccess file by clicking on the settings at the top right. Then, click on show hidden files. Select the .Htaccess file and click edit.

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