Content There are many brands that use

 Branded content appeals to the audiences feelings, aspiring to strike a chord. If you achieve this, your audience will feel connected to your brand. Once it is linked to you, encourage your audience to be part of the experience and Albania Mobile Number List create a brand community that feels special every time they use your product or service. May the emotion of the story go further. That, if he wears, for example, a tshirt from your brand, he feels that he is wearing something that really represents him Examples of Branded and have used

Branded Content, achieving great success.


 Star Estrella Damm usually uses its Branded Content in short film format, especially inspired by summer. To achieve this, in addition to the beer itself, which usually appears on several occasions, there are factors that are not lacking the sea, festivals, music and wellknown protagonists who are likeminded and part of the target. Coca Cola CocaCola is one of the brands that best knows how to take

advantage of this type of content.



 There are many examples of Branded Content at CocaCola, such as the campaign Taiwan Phone Number List with the names on its cans, which was personalized and very original content. Thanks to him, they obtained millions of mentions on social networks, appeared on news programs, etc. Balay The appliance brand decided, a decade ago, to take a º turn in its advertisements. Therefore, instead of talking about refrigerators or washing machines, their content began to focus on the stories of the workers, in this way they managed to humanize the company and establish a very strong emotional connection with consumers.


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