View Webmail Email Tracks in Cpanel

The following is a way that you can use to find out the webmail email track on cpanel:

Login cpanel
You can first log in to cpanel. It can be through the member area or it can also be through the cpanel of the website that you have.

Enter in the “Track delivery” menu
After logging in to cpanel, you will then enter the “track delivery” menu. The menu is in the email category.

Then you can see the status of the email , whether it has been sent or not.
Track email webmail in cpanel
What is needed to track webmail emails in cpanel
Actually, there are three ways to open an email in cpanel. Previously, all you need is:

Optional in accessing via cpanel directly

Detailed information for account login in your email
Open track email webmail in cpanel via server ip address
Track webmail emails on cpanel using the server ip address of the hosting you are using. An example is https://ip_server:2096 (https port) or http://ip_server:2095 (port without https) (server ip is the ip address on your hosting account). However, if you don’t know the details of the ip server, then you can ask the hosting provider that you are using, such as idwebhost for example. Not only that, you can also use the link http://ip_server/webmail. The two links will lead to the webmail login page. Where later you have to enter an email address and also a password for your email account that is in cpanel.

Open track email webmail in cpanel via domain name
The simplest and easiest way to remember is to Bulk SMS Thailand access email name. An example is, when you have a domain name namaku.Com, automatically what you need to access is namaku.Com/webmail. Not only that, you can also access webmail by using a port number other than /webmail. An example would be myname.Com/2095/.

Opening a webmail email track in cpanel via an email account in cpanel
You can enter into cpanel then select the email accounts menu. Next, click more on the email account that will be opened later. And select access webmail. Later, a display will appear in the form of options so you can choose the email client that will be used later. Choose one of them. You can also choose set as default when opening a webmail so that later it can be entered into the mail client that will be used. In fact, you can also use the roundcube mail client to make it easier to operate and simplify your work.

Track email webmail in cpanel

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How to know the delivery status of an email in cpanel
Comparing users of an email account with their own domain certainly has an advantage when compared to users of email accounts with free domains. This is also because you can check the status of an email delivery, in addition to knowing that the email sent was sent or not to the intended email account. There is more to know that the email has reached the product buyer which later aims to increase your optimism in doing business online. However, as previously explained, if the email is not sent, you can consult the hosting provider that you are using so that it can be checked.

The following is a way to find out the status of an email sent in cpanel:

Enter cpanel and enter the email trace.
Next, enter your destination email in the recipient email box.
Click on the run report, so you can see the delivery EG Lists status displayed on the delivery report that you can see. As knowledge, the email trace will be able to store email delivery data every 30 days. In addition, for sending emails that have passed 30 days will be deleted automatically.
Reasons to know email delivery status
Actually, being a user of an email account using your own domain has several advantages when compared to using a free email account . Where you can check the status of email delivery in your cpanel.

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